Upload a CAL File

Submit CAL File As E-Filing

Select CAL File to Upload
Amendment Information

These values are optional. Use them to override the values contained in the e-file document.


To submit an e-filing by uploading a CAL file:

  1. Filer ID - Enter the Filer ID for the account (e.g., ABC-12345 where "ABC" is NetFile's three or four letter designation for the local or county agency). Get the Filer ID from the agency you are submitting the filing to.
  2. Password - Enter the password associated with the Filer ID.
  3. Response E-Mail - Enter the e-mail address you want to use to receive status about the CAL upload.
  4. CAL File - Click the Select... button and then locate the valid CAL file on your computer.
  5. Amendment Information - Enter the following information when you are uploading a CAL file that is amending a previous filing and you want to override the values contained in the CAL file:
    1. Amendment Number - Enter the amendment sequence number. If the CAL file you are uploading is the first amendment of the original filing, the amendment number is "1". Increase the amendment number with each subsequent amendment.
    2. Superceded Filing ID - Enter the Filing ID of the filing you are amending. See the agency's public site to find the Filing ID for the filing you are amending.
  6. Submit - Click the Submit button to upload the CAL file.

Important! You or the individual(s) for whom you are uploading the CAL file may need to complete a signature verification card if you are submitting the filing to the City of Berkeley or the City of Agoura Hills. Signers in those jurisdictions need to log in to their NetFile User Account and approve the statement on the Pending Filings page before the filing is accepted. For information about Signature Verification, see NetFile's Signature Verification Process document.

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