Political Campaign Committees Only!

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Political Campaign Committees Only!

Important: If you are required to file a Form 700 with your agency, do NOT use this form. Your filing agency creates your NetFile User for you. Contact your agency with questions.

NetFile User Information

  1. Your E-Mail Address - Enter the e-mail address you want to use to log in to the system.
  2. Confirm Your E-Mail Address - Enter the e-mail address again to confirm.
  3. Submit - Click the Submit button. The system sends an e-mail message with further instructions. If you do not receive the e-mail within 15 minutes:
    1. Check your spam or junk mail folder.
    2. If the e-mail with the link to receive your new password is not in your spam or junk mail folder, contact NetFile's Technical Support department at filerhelp@netfile.com .

IMPORTANT: Not for Form 700 (SEI) filers!

If you are required to file a Form 700 with your agency, do NOT use this form. Your filing agency creates your NetFile User for you.

Contact your agency with questions.

NetFile User Information


The system requires information in all fields to create your NetFile User.

Warning! Providing ANY false information for your user profile is cause to delete your NetFile User and any data created with it!

Download the PDF file, Create NetFile User & Link Existing Accounts, for instructions on creating a new NetFile User and linking your existing accounts.